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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Travel Insurance Claims – Information and Tips

You’re on holiday, having a fabulous time, nice and relaxed when something happens and you are going to need to claim on your Travel Insurance. Now most of us have never had to do this, so are not sure what to do. Below are some tips and information to help.

Make sure that you take the insurance document with you. This will give you the contact details in case of emergency and your policy number, which you will need if contacting the insurers.

Medical Attention – If it is a doctor/dentist visit for something minor, but that cannot wait until you get home, find a suitable practitioner and book an appointment. Usually you will need to pay for the consultation/medication and claim the fees back. Keep ALL receipts and get copies of doctors/dentist reports.

Urgent/Emergency Medical Treatment – If the situation is serious and you are taken to hospital you will need to phone the insurance company or get someone to phone for you and advise them of the situation. The insurers will normally liaise with the hospital directly once they are advised and you won’t need to make upfront payments.

Thefts – Immediately you discover a theft, whether it be in the airport, on the aircraft, in a hotel or in the street make notes. In the airport, on the aircraft or hotel report the theft to them as soon as you can and obtain a document to show you reported it and they investigated. You will also need to make a report to the police and obtain a report from them. In the street, go straight to the police. If you need emergency replacement items i.e. clothes, toiletries, medication etc, make sure you keep receipts.

Cancellation – Depending on the reason will depend on the documentation needed. No company will cover you because you change your mind. If it is due to a medical condition, they will want a doctors report. If it is due to your holiday being cancelled by the tour operator, they will want a report saying why. In addition, you will need proof of how much you have paid so far and proof that the tour company for instance, are not accepting liability and paying you out.

It might seem a bit onerous when all you want to do is relax, but a little time and effort spend whilst you are in the situation will save a lot of problems later. With the levels of fraudulent claims in the insurance sector at an all time high, many companies are now requiring more documentation and information to try and stop fraud, which at the end of the day increases costs for all of us.


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